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Talent Analysis

With this Talent Analysis you can determine your personal profile according to the DISC model of Dr. William Marston. Discover your talents and how behavioral styles predict your attitude towards others and your daily behavior.

In the Talent Analysis Report you will find a graph that shows your profile plus a brief description of your personality. The Talent Analysis questionnaire below consists of 6 blocks of 10 statements each. It takes five minutes to complete.


  • Take your time to read all statements
  • Mark all the statements that suit you the most

  • There are no correct or wrong answers in this Talent Analysis and there’s no minimum or maximum in the number of statements you are allowed to tick.

    The results of your Talent Analysis will be received during our next training or coaching session.

    Good luck!


    First and last name
    Email address






    If you’ve marked everything that sounds like you and you’ve completed your details at the top, you can send this questionnaire.


    Thank you for filling this Analysis. The results will be shown during our next training of coaching session.

    See your soon!

    Team Use Your Talents